6 Books You Should Read Every Single Year
Do you ever run across those books that literally give you so many AH HA moments that it looks like a highlighter exploded all over the book? As a mom who used to struggle with chronic disorganization, clutter and time management issues, I found that there were books with tons of real life application. Books that made me see through my mess to the root of my issues whether it be confidence, clutter, spending habits or business. I don’t know about you, but typically when I find an amazing book that inspires me I go through a cycle. I start applying it, I tell others about it, I make great progress and then overtime the inspiration wears off and I just need another dose of “go get em!” fuel. Then I struggle because I have the book, but since I already read it, I wonder if I should really use more time in my life to read it yet again?
The truth is, there are about 6 to 9 books I’ve read that I can honestly say changed my outlook and improved my life in some way. I can’t possibly retain that information and motivation for forever so the key is to take time each year and re-read those six books again. If you are a mom seeking some serious inspiration in every area of your life- these are ones you need to own and read more than once. Here are 6 books you should read every single year.
PS- If you laugh at the prospect of having time to read in the midst of your crazy hectic life I personally use Audible all the time because I can listen to books while I clean, cook, commute or exercise. You can Try Audible and Get Two Free Audiobooks by using my link!
Updated February 2019
1. The Joy of Less, A Minimalist Living Guide: How to Declutter, Organize, and Simplify Your Life
Good Time To Read: Anytime of Year
This book RADICALLY changed the way I see my stuff. I first read this book over 3 years ago and it still impacts what I bring in my house. The author of the book is a real minimalist like someone is a real vegan. Even though her personal lifestyle may seem kind of extreme for people who aren’t minimalist, there is a lot a non-minimalist can learn. She’s not trying to convert anyone. She just wants to help people see “stuff” as “stuff” and helps you go room by room and get rid of junk.
2. The 12 Week Year: Get More Done in 12 Weeks than Others Do in 12 Months
Good Time To Read: Anytime of year since the year in the book is only 12 weeks that starts whenever you start.
I’m a goal setting junkie and this book literally blew my socks off. I love the entire concept of living your life 12 weeks at a time instead of 1 year at time. The book helps you hyper focus your goals into 12 week increments so you get way more done in way less time. The best part? Every 12 weeks you start over likes it’s January 1. I’ve been applying this to my real life for two 12 week years now and it’s been a game changer for this super distractible mom and business owner.
3.Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less
Good Time To Read: January-February
This is one of my all time favorite books about decluttering your to-do list. Slowing down and focusing on what you can actually do and what you should actually do with the time you have to work with.
4.Live. Save. Spend. Repeat.: The Life You Want with the Money You Have
Good Time To Read: January- April
This is my traditionally published book and unlike other budgeting books, this one is centered around helping you make life goal, fund them and live life with less regret!
5.Living Well, Spending Less: 12 Secrets of the Good Life

Good Time To Read: May-June
I was initially a huge fan of author, Ruth Soukup because she basically taught me how to blog in one of her first Ebooks. Now she has written a new book about how to live well while spending less. I got my hands on a pre-release copy and couldn’t put it down. I realized that even though I’m a deal seeker, I wasn’t always spending money wisely. It challenged my concept of contentment and has literally helped me cut back my grocery spending without having to clip coupons. It’s one I believe people should re-read each year for an inspired dose of contentment.
6.The Best Yes: Making Wise Decisions in the Midst of Endless Demands
Good Time To Read: July-August
I actually saw Lysa Terkeurst once, and it was while I was sitting at a table with Ruth Soukup of Living Well Spending Less, Kalyn Brooke of Creative Savings, while introducing myself to Crystal Paine of Money Saving Mom. I don’t know how I didn’t just die of excitement right there. This book is really good and came at a time in my life when I needed the courage to make a really big “Best Yes” decision that I had been struggling with for about a year. I recommend that you read or re-read this book just before a new school year starts. It seems that August begins a 6 month journey of commitment opportunities. This book will really help you begin to evaluate your time commitments and whether they fill you up or fill you with dread.
7. Uninvited: Living Loved When You Feel Less Than, Left Out, and Lonely
Best Time of Year to Read: Anytime of year
Lysa TerKeurst is a Christian author (who also wrote The Best Yes) and tackles some serious insecurities that many women face that are rooted in rejection. It’s really a book that helped me figure out the root of some my own personal insecurities so I could face them and them move on with my life in confidence. It’s a great confidence booster in any season of your life where you feel, “less than, left out and lonely” whether you feel figuratively or even literally alone. It will refresh your focus and help boost your confidence.
8.Say Goodbye to Survival Mode: 9 Simple Strategies to Stress Less, Sleep More, and Restore Your Passion for Life
Good Time to Read: July-September
Speaking of Crystal Paine… I think the title of this book alone says volumes! Most moms out there are literally just surviving each day. This book gave me encouragement and helped me sit down and set real goals based on my personal family priorities. It walked me through a schedule evaluation and helped me look and see where my time was going. I highly recommend this book to moms who feel like they just never get ahead. Right before everyone gets back in the swing of school, get your hands on this book and make a new plan for the new school year.
Uninvited: Living Loved When You Feel Less Than, Left Out, and Lonely
9.You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life
Good Time to Read- ANYTIME You Need a Self-Confidence Boost
Let me just get to the nitty gritty here upfront – Okay so yes, I get it, the title may be a little off putting for some people. And the foul language inside is not my normal cup of tea but there is something raw, edgy and honest about this one that I, against all odds, actually enjoyed reading/listening to. I’ve seen movies with worse language, so you just kind of filter it. I literally looked at it about six times before I purchased it because I just wasn’t sure. Since buying this and snagging the audible version upgrade, I’ve listened to the book 3 times in about 2 months (skipping chapters that didn’t really apply when I re-listened and letting the ones that I knew I needed to soak in- soak in).
She’s does weave in God and spirituality. It’s a fairly broad sense of spirituality with there being some bigger being in the Universe working things together for us and that believing in something bigger than ourselves is good thing.
Beyond all that, I walked away from this book honestly with more confidence. I think it has to do with the way she tells the story and the humor. It’s very out of the box for me. I’m a lover of self-help genre so I’ve read and listened to a lot of books about similar topics. This one stuck and I believe I’m far more confident because of what I’ve learned.
So that sums up the top 9 books I think women should re-read every, single year. They will help refresh, re-motivate and keep you going toward your goals year in and year out without loosing your passion. Sometimes we hear something once and it changes our lives for a season, then we need to re-read it and let it change us again!
What do you consider a book that should be re-read every single year?

Kim Anderson is the organized chaos loving author behind the Thrifty Little Mom Blog. She helps other people who thrive in organized chaos to stress less, remember more and feel in control of their time, money, and home. Kim is the author of: Live, Save, Spend, Repeat: The Life You Want with the Money You Have. She’s been featured on Time.com, Money.com, Good Housekeeping, Women’s Day, and more!