How to Take Your Blog From a Hobby to a Business
In the summer of 2013 I began a journey that I never would have dreamed I’d begin. Late one night, while I was getting ready to go to bed, I had a strange thought cross my mind. A thought that has changed my life in the best way possible. “Start a blog.” Maybe it was God, maybe it was fatigue, but at the end of the day, it’s been an amazing creative and entrepreneurial outlet in my life.
The Best Starting Place
If you’ve never blogged a day in your life, you have recently created a blog, or you just need some direction for a blog your working on here and there, the best place to start is by reading How To Blog For Profit: Without Selling Your Soul by Ruth Soukup. It’s how I got my official “start”. I’m thankful I found this book only 3 months into my blogging “career”.
For the Blogger Who’s Already Started
If you’ve been blogging and you are ready to take your blog from a hobby to serious second income kind of business, you need to invest in Ruth Soukup’s Elite Blog Academy. It’s basically an online school for blogging. My one friend calls the course “intense” and that’s because it requires you take time and invest time in watching video’s, reading, applying, tweaking and testing your blogging writing and habits.
I started my blog not knowing what I was doing. I didn’t even know how to use my DSLR camera. I just started writing posts on a free Blogger account. Then in September of 2013, with 357 pageviews that month, I read Ruth’s book. I applied all I learned from that book but knew there was much more I could do after I had mastered the basics.
When I enrolled in Elite Blog Academy and applied the step by step hands on training information things started changing really quickly. Right now, I’m looking at between 200,000-650,000 page views per month and it’s because I took the time to invest in my dreams and it’s paying off in actual dollars.
My husband laughs every time I show him my blog revenue numbers at the end of the month. As an electrical engineer he just can’t believe that I’m providing a second source of income for our family from this whole “blogging” thing.—- UPDATE: Since I first wrote this post, I was actually able to make enough this year that my electrical engineer husband quit his day job and now is a stay at home dad/entrepreneur. Who’s laughing now? LOL. I also was able to get my first traditionally published book deal because of the platform I had built through what I learned from EBA which has been a dream since I was 8 years old!!!
Here are 5 reasons why I love the Elite Blog Academy:
1.You can take the classes in your pajamas.
The beauty of this online course is that it’s all…online. Most nights, after I put my preschooler to bed, I put on my pajamas and complete a unit from the course. I work on making improvements to my blog. I look forward to completing the class assignments and week by week, I make greater strides toward my goals.
2. It’s Thrifty.
You could spend $1,000 to attend a blog conference. You could pay for a flight, a cab, a hotel room, a registration and your meals. But, you could start a little thriftier and get HUGE bang for your buck. Ruth is opening the Elite Blog Academy registrations up for 2016. You can get signed up on the email information list before Feb 22, 2016 here. The class will only be $797 and she is offering the ability to break that down into payments so it’s not so much at one time. The Elite Blog Academy 3.0 doors will officially open in February 2017. So you have to get in while the getting is good because it’s usually a WHOLE year before she opens the doors to the class again!
3. It’s self paced and challenging.
As soon as you get signed up, you can start accessing all the video teachings, workbooks and start making huge strides toward improving your business and building your brand at your pace. Whether you work full time outside the home, part time or stay at home. You can do this when you have time. Granted, it is challenging. It pushes you to be awesome at blogging. Being awesome at blogging requires time, energy and attention to the blog.
This course allows you access unit workbooks, live Q&A sessions with Ruth, Video teachings for each unit, a private Forum for you to learn and grow and many bonus materials (all course materials are online, the image below just serves to display the kind of content you will have access to).
4. You get to network with many smart and successful bloggers.
This class has a private forum that talk, share and give tips and tricks. You can ask questions and get answers and do it in a community of people who get your weird “unique” blogging life, obstacles and questions. I’ve learned many new things just from the forum and people in it.
5. I get to learn how to run a blog from a person who has been there, done that and started a blog academy. I can skip many of the growing pains.
Ruth is running a successful blog. So successful that her husband was able to start staying at home. She has taken all her successes and set them up for you to learn from so that you can filter out many of the mistakes she and others have made as they transitioned their blog from a hobby to business.
How to Join the Waiting List, Get a free Ebook & Free Training!
So here’s the deal. The Elite Blog Academy 2.0 is currently closed but will be opening again soon. The best way to stay in the loop is to join the waiting list! You’ll get the free ebook, 7 Surefire Ways to Boost Your Blog Income Overnight as well as a “Blogging Made Simple” training to take while you wait! Just click the picture below!
Images used in this post are property of Elite Blog Academy and I received permission to use them in this post.

Kim Anderson is the organized chaos loving author behind the Thrifty Little Mom Blog. She helps other people who thrive in organized chaos to stress less, remember more and feel in control of their time, money, and home. Kim is the author of: Live, Save, Spend, Repeat: The Life You Want with the Money You Have. She’s been featured on,, Good Housekeeping, Women’s Day, and more!