Make Old Outdoor Lighting Look New for $20
You may be wondering if it’s worth your time to take old outdoor lighting and revive it? I mean why not just go down to the home improvement store and grab a new light fixture? Well you could. But honestly, a new outdoor light for the front and back door is going to cost anywhere from $100 to $300. And if you’re a DIY type, you could make old outdoor lighting look new and modern again for about $20 total. You can actually paint light fixtures with brass paint.
Several years ago we had our house painted because it needed it badly but it left us without much money in the budget to update some other curb appeal type items such as the outdoor lighting.
The house looked great until you walked up on the porch and were greeted with the spotty brass lamp and brass doorbell ringer. Both were eye sores so I asked my husband if we could just buy new lighting to make it look new again.
One Saturday Afternoon Saves us $100!
Being the Thrifty Little Dad that he is, he decided to take on the task of just painting it and seeing if this one Saturday afternoon project didn’t just save him $100 + bucks.
Honestly, as long as that brass was gone I didn’t really care what he tried. When he was done, I was thrilled with the results!!
My husband is a YouTuber so he made a video tutorial to show you just how we made our brass outdoor lighting look new again. Check out below what he did, what he would do different and tweak it to fit your own situation/time you want to take with the project and make it happen! You’ll probably be surprised at just how good it can look when you’re all done. (I know I was!)
Here’s the step by step video tutorial my husband made on his YouTube Channel Makercise! Note: You don’t need a propane torch to fix up your lighting. Do that at your own risk. My husband just decided that was one step he wanted to do.
Basic Supplies We Used to Paint Light Fixture:
- Old Toothbrush
- A Bin to Wash the Pieces In
- A Paint tarp or butcher paper
- A Metal Primer/Etcher Spray Paint (Found in most home improvement stores)
- A Dark Spray Paint to Match Your House’s Exterior (such as black or brushed bronze).

Kim Anderson is the organized chaos loving author behind the Thrifty Little Mom Blog. She helps other people who thrive in organized chaos to stress less, remember more and feel in control of their time, money, and home. Kim is the author of: Live, Save, Spend, Repeat: The Life You Want with the Money You Have. She’s been featured on,, Good Housekeeping, Women’s Day, and more!