Is Staying At Home Right For You?

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Have you ever wondered if staying at home is right for you and your family? The thought of staying at home can be really scary for some people.  They worry about whether or not they can survive on one household income.

I started staying at home over 4 years ago before I even had children.  At the time I stepped down from a job I loved to embrace a new season of life that I felt would be better for me and my family in the long run.  I have no regrets but I have learned so much from my experience.

There is no way to fit all I learned in this blog post so I put it all in a simple E-book Becoming A House Spouse on Amazon for only $0.99.

I wanted to write a blog post that could help people who are considering the move to staying at home start thinking through some of the important questions.  These are just some general questions to consider that are covered in-depth in the ebook.  There are many reasons for a person to stay at home and just as many for them to continue working.  As with many things, the grass always seems greener on the other side.  Whether you are male or female are you ready to jump the fence?

Is Staying At Home Right For You?  That Depends.

1. Evaluate Why

  • Why are you considering staying at home?
  • Is it because you lost a job and are having to decide between staying at home and job hunting?
  • Is it because you are retiring?
  • Is working a full-time job putting a strain on your family or marriage?
  • Is it simply because you can?  Your spouse makes plenty of money to cover your lifestyle and needs and you don’t need to continue working?
  • Are you wanting to start your own business?

2. Evaluate Who

  • Who will benefit or be hurt by your choice?
  • Will you be able to be around your kids, spouse or ageing parent?
  • Will you put a huge financial strain on your working spouse?
  • How will staying at home effect you? Will it cause you to feel worthless or lost not having a job to go to everyday?

3. Evaluate Money

  • Do you have the money to make this work?
  • Do you have any debt other than your mortgage?
  • Do you have a way of getting health insurance coverage and affording it?
  • Do you know how to budget?
  • Can you live within a budget?
  • Are you willing to give up some things you enjoy in life to have the freedom to stay at home?

4. Evaluate When

  • Is this the right time in your life to make a big life transition?
  • Do you have some debts that could be paid down first?
  • Is there a good reason to continue working for a little longer?
  • Do you have any other stressful scenario’s going on in your life right now?

Hopefully this list at least gets you thinking about where you want to be and if you are ready to make the leap.  My ebook on Amazon for only $0.99 breaks down these kinds of questions to help you examine your situation more thoroughly.  By the time you finish this easy and succinct ebook, you and your spouse should have lots of good ground to cover and discuss, helping you make the decision a little easier.

Kim Anderson