Quickly Organize Your Bathroom Drawers
I had been in the bathroom for about 5 minutes when the break down happened. All I needed was a stinkin’ tube of toothpaste!
It HAD to be in the drawer.
BUT I couldn’t find it because that drawer had been crammed full of beauty products like that container of fine line eraser I bought that makes my skin red or that daily moisturizer that causes my face to break out. Then there is that lotion that I bought that smells too strong and four bottles of body wash I got as a secret Santa gift last Christmas.
And how did it get like this? When I’m in frantic power cleaning mode I just toss anything that’s laying on the counter-top right into that drawer because at the time it’s convenient. I pay the consequences when I HAVE to get out of the house in hurry and I can’t find my stinkin’ toothpaste. Coffee breath + morning breath just doesn’t work when you are headed to face to face meeting.
That day I took a vow that the his and hers drawers in the master bathroom would be minimized to the pure and simple basics and then they would stay that way. Because the fact is that the organization of these small drawers has the power to make or break my day and by golly it wasn’t going to break me again. If you are loosing a daily battle with bathroom storage, I hope this post post on how to quickly organize your bathroom drawers will help you fix your cluttered situation too.
The next day I got out a big plastic bin and dumped everything out of the drawer. The best way to get organized is to start from scratch. This drawer was now my empty canvas and I was only going to put back the items that I used on a regular, daily basis. I’m gonna be honest, I was SHOCKED by how much stuff was in that drawer- it was like emptying Mary Poppins handbag or something. I’m surprised I didn’t find a desk lamp and umbrella in there.
STEP 2: Wipe it out.
Get yourself a wet towel or wet wipe and clean out all the hair, dust and makeup powder.
Step 3: Go Through
Grab some headphones and play your favorite podcast. Sit down with your bin and go through it piece by piece.
- If it’s obviously trash- throw it away.
- If it’s old or out of date- throw it away. (I’m talking to you other ladies out there like me who keep half used eyeshadows from 1999. We gotta let those things go!)
- If it’s something you use on daily basis, put it in a pile. For me that included:
- Deodorant
- Toothbrush
- Hairbrush
- My minimalist makeup bag- I only wear about 5 things on a daily basis so I keep those in a small cosmetic bag in my drawer so it’s always ready to be thrown in a bag or taken in the car if need be.
- Tweezers- Because seriously- my eyebrows look like fighting caterpillars if I don’t keep them in line.
- My one favorite body spray.
- My Merle Norman eye cream
- Daily Multivitamin
- If it was a gift and you don’t like it- give it away or throw it away.
- If it was product that you weren’t satisfied with- return it for a refund or store credit.
- Nail Polish- How many nail polishes do you actually need? How many look like they are dried out? Keep 1 color for each season and then throw away the rest.
Step 4: Restock & Store Away
- If it’s one of your daily or weekly items, put in your drawer.
- If it’s an item you need to keep that you use monthly, seasonally or for special occasions just store in somewhere other than your daily side drawer or cabinet.
Step 5: Keep it that way.
Don’t put ANYTHING, I mean ANYTHING that you don’t use regularly in that drawer. If you’re in a pinch toss the stuff somewhere else, but NOT that drawer. Overtime I’ve managed to keep the space clean and minimized. My morning routine is faster, less stressful and streamlined. It all came from simply starting over with my bathroom drawer.
I hope this simple post has inspired you and given you some help on where to start your bathroom drawer reorganization project. Keep it simple and you’ll be on your way to happier mornings!

Kim Anderson is the organized chaos loving author behind the Thrifty Little Mom Blog. She helps other people who thrive in organized chaos to stress less, remember more and feel in control of their time, money, and home. Kim is the author of: Live, Save, Spend, Repeat: The Life You Want with the Money You Have. She’s been featured on Time.com, Money.com, Good Housekeeping, Women’s Day, and more!