What to Do When You Have a Toddler Without Hair
I can remember being a little kid and finding it super funny that my baby cousin came to church with bows pasted to her head with toothpaste. She looked adorable but carried around the distinct smell of mint. Flash forward a few decades and here I am with two adorable identical baby girls. Ironically… after all the laughter and jokes about my cousin- I now have toddlers without hair!
So what is a mama to do about something she has very little control over? This issue (which isn’t really that big of an issue in the grand scheme of things) is that they just aren’t growing hair as fast as the other kids around them and everyone thinks they are boys—— even when they are dressed head to two in PINK!!!
Yes, I can put bows in their hair and that helps but this thrifty little momma just can’t wait for them to get some real hair!! And she’s kind of hoping it’s the same color as her own if truth be told!
How I solved my Toddler without Hair Problem:
One night I was away at a blog conference and me and a bunch of ladies were hanging out at the hot tub after the event. While sitting there my new friend Pam of Crochetprenuer.com, starting telling me about how she had had a crochet pattern really take off online. It was a pattern for a crochet Beehive Bun Hat that lets you show your messy bun!
I thought that was brilliant and it gave me this crazy wild idea!! One that I decided was worth asking about.
I explained my bald baby dilemma and asked if might be possible for her to crochet two of those hats for me but—- add a little bit of fake hair to it.
Within a few weeks, thanks to Pam, I received these adorable Phoneytail hats (as a fun gift on my birthday– even though Pam had no idea it was going to arrive then) and I can’t be more excited about how they turned out!! EEKKK! My girls love wearing them and I feel like the hats give them such a fun, adorable glow.
Not to mention it makes them finally look like mini versions of mom- especially when I wear the hat she made for me to my brown locks through (dang Pam was spot on with matching my hair color to theirs)!
I may not be able to do anything about having toddlers without hair for now…. time will eventually, hopefully, bring more lol. But for now, I can at least take them to Target, put them in the cart and have people ask me questions like:
“Are they identical for fraternal” instead of “Oh, what cute boys you have there, are they twins?”
Want a PhoneyTail hat for your little bald cutie? You can snag Pam’s Phoney Tail Hat Crochet Pattern in her Etsy store for only $4.99!
If you want to snag this pattern for yourself or for your crochet loving friend/family member, you can also visit her blog here>>> Crochet Pattern Phoneytail or Fun Bun Hat from Pam over at Crochetprenuer.com!
Want to know more about what causes a toddler’s hair not to grow, check out this post from LiveStrong.com.
Please feel free to share any ways you have helped solve your slow to grow hair issue in the comments below!

Kim Anderson is the organized chaos loving author behind the Thrifty Little Mom Blog. She helps other people who thrive in organized chaos to stress less, remember more and feel in control of their time, money, and home. Kim is the author of: Live, Save, Spend, Repeat: The Life You Want with the Money You Have. She’s been featured on Time.com, Money.com, Good Housekeeping, Women’s Day, and more!