Cleaning Your Home: No Gas Mask Needed
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Cleaning is about like going to the dentist. Some small percentage of people love it while most really hate it. With that being said, I am in the group that believes that you can’t live with it but you certainly can’t live without it. After a few years of using products that were so strong I had to get out gloves, masks and then leave the house for a little while, I went on a quest to find cleaners that didn’t have ridiculous warning labels. On my quest I discovered some cleaning products that make a job I dislike, almost pleasant. You can find the items in this post at almost any store near you. They might just help you enjoy cleaning a little better and leave your home smelling fresh and clean!
1. Floors- O’Cedar Floor Mops
- I had one of those Swiffer deals for a long time but after I had to buy a replacement pad almost every two mops and new bottle of floor cleaner, I started looking for something new.
- I saw an organization guru recommend this mop in one of his online videos and it seemed spectacular! So I went out and got one at Target.
- They are about $12.
- They are a spray mop with a trigger in the handle.
- These babies come with a reusable pad that you can run through your washing machine up to 50 times! (Replacements Pads are about $6).
- The cleaner bottle pops right off and you can put whatever you want in this thing! If you are a “make your own” cleaning product person and you want to put some vinegar and water inside as your solution, you can! If you want to use whatever floor cleaner you have, go for it!! Fill er’ up and get to moppin’. I have saved so much money on cleaner and mop pads since buying this mop.
- You are going to find out as you read on that I am a “Method” brand cleaning product fan.
- They put their dish soap in a unique dispenser that you pump like you would hand soap.
- The pump makes it so you only get a small amount at a time.
- True Confessions- I am the biggest waster of soap. I’ve tried those olive oil bottles, I’ve tried the squirt bottles and this has been the best control over soap I have ever had.
- They are $3-$4 as well as the refills.
- Check Cartwheel and regularly to save money on these items at Target.
- I can re-use the soap dispenser for about 9-12 months. I just buy the re-fill packs of soaps that allow you to re-fill your dispenser 2 times.
- You can also re-fill the dispenser with your own homemade soap if you want or a cheaper brand. I have found that after using Method, that I have a harder time getting the soap off my dishes when I use the cheapest brands.
- I previously wrote a about Cascade Complete Dishwasher Pods titled, How To Get Your Dishwasher Cleaning Again.
- I recently tried out the Platinum ones and they work great too.
- All the dishwasher agents you need are stored in a tiny pouch.
- So you pop it in your dispenser and walk away!
- When you come back you have really clean dishes and may avoid getting rid of dishwasher that still works.
3. Counter tops/High Chairs-
- I like Method brand All Purpose Natural Surface Cleaner in the lavender scent.
- It cleans well and smells really nice.
- I always know that if I use this on the counter tops before my husband gets home from work he will comment on how clean things smell. 🙂
- I use a microfiber cloth with this spray for most of my surface cleaning.
- For my sons high chair I use the Scotch Brite Botanical Disinfecting Wipes because they have a clean scent and according to the label are safe around kids/pets. (Sometimes I worry that other disinfecting wipes are too strong.)
- Another little awesome item I found was the 409 Stone and Steel Cleaner. I have all stainless steel appliances and this works great to get out streaks and spots. Honestly, the smell of this one isn’t my favorite but the products works so I can get over it. I just go stand beside my Bath and Body Work Wallflower plug-in for a minute and then get back to work.
- I recently purchased Mrs. Meyers Clean Day powder.
- Showers have always been the worst places to clean for me.
- I have spent weeks of my life getting over soar throats from breathing in other spray products while simply trying to scrub my shower down.
- This stuff smells WONDERFUL!
- I can literally smell it right now as I type because I just treated my showers and tubs with it.
- It makes me feel like my stuff is getting clean and it’s natural.
- After I sprinkle it all over my shower, I follow up with a scrubbing brush. Mine is attached to a long pole so I don’t have to get on my hands and knees.
- Target doesn’t sell that brush anymore so I can’t put it on here. 🙁
- Now, I just use the blue spray so I don’t have any actual mirror cleaning products to talk about, but I did discover the perfect cleaning cloths.
- I used one of these Kleenex Hand Towels one day because I was out of paper towels and they did an amazing job! No streaks or lint left behinds.
- They are thick and sturdy. They don’t tear up. Sometimes I go ahead and use them to wipe my counter tops down too.
- I buy these and use them just for cleaning mirrors.
- They are about $3 a box and you can find them on the paper towel/toilet tissue isle at most stores.
So theses are a few of my favorite things so to speak. They help me get through cleaning with a little less pain and then I feel good because my house smells nice. Let me know why you love these or other products that make your life easier!
If you can’t find these items locally, you can always order them from Amazon.

Kim Anderson is the organized chaos loving author behind the Thrifty Little Mom Blog. She helps other people who thrive in organized chaos to stress less, remember more and feel in control of their time, money, and home. Kim is the author of: Live, Save, Spend, Repeat: The Life You Want with the Money You Have. She’s been featured on,, Good Housekeeping, Women’s Day, and more!