Make The Perfect Tuna Melt Sandwich
My obsession with making the perfect Tuna Melt Sandwich started basically the first time that I ever tried one. I was 14 and was volunteering as a candy striper for the hospital near my house. And yes, I had the red and white striped dress. Yes, wearing it was the worst part of the job. Some days my parents would give me money for lunch and I would go to the cafeteria to take my daily break. The first time I ordered one of these sandwiches there, I was in love. It was then one of my favorite perks of volunteering! When I got married, I found these to be one of my husbands most favorite Saturday lunches so I started honing my skills to make it just perfect. Here’s step by step instructions on how to make the perfect tuna melt sandwich!
- Your favorite Bread (I go with Whole Wheat)
- Tuna Salad (Make your own favorite recipe or use mine)
- 1 Can of Tuna
- 1 Tbs of Mayo
- 1 Tsp of Relish
- Mix and then Dish
- Cheddar Cheese
- Butter
- Lettuce
- Tomato
- Pan
Step 1: This is so important you just can’t miss it!!! Butter your pan and then heat it up on the stove top, leaving the temperature between low and medium.
Step 2: Dip and smear both sides of both slices bread in the melted butter layer adding more butter as necessary. Do this step with your hands at your own risk as you could be burned by the butter popping or the pan, it’s better to use a spatula.
Step 3: Dish out a few tablespoons of tuna out onto one of the buttered bread slices.
Step 4: Using your spatula place your tuna bread in the pan, tuna side up. Leave this in the pan until the bread has toasted on the side facing down. Remove this side with a spatula and place it on your serving plate.
Step 5: Add your second slice of bread to the pan with a piece of cheese on top.
Step 6: I create a “dome” over the cheese side with a pot lid because it collects heat and melts the cheese on top while it cooks the bottom. This is a little trick to get your melty cheese without burning your bread. Remove the pot lid using a pot holder so you don’t burn yourself.
See, perfectly melted cheese with a nice toasted underside!
Step 7: Add your tomato slices and lettuce!

Step 8: Carefully flip your cheese side on top of your lettuce and tuna side and enjoy with some chips or sweet potato chips as your side!
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Kim Anderson is the organized chaos loving author behind the Thrifty Little Mom Blog. She helps other people who thrive in organized chaos to stress less, remember more and feel in control of their time, money, and home. Kim is the author of: Live, Save, Spend, Repeat: The Life You Want with the Money You Have. She’s been featured on,, Good Housekeeping, Women’s Day, and more!