Make a Winter Berry Wreath in 15 Minutes for $15
I love crafting! But I’m not gonna lie. I can roll up in the craft store, be inspired, and come out with 15 craft projects I’m gonna make happen. Only… I start these projects and never complete them. And you want to know why? Because they take too darn long to finish, and I lose momentum. I was super excited about this winter berry wreath idea I made in 15 minutes for $15!
This story starts with…. “I walked into Hobby Lobby…” Famous last words of every crafty person, right? To find a new winter wreath for my front door since my husband conveniently ditched the one I had made four years before.
While I toured the store, I found some beautiful pre-made winter berry sprig-covered wreaths that were bright crimson and perfectly simple hanging high on the wall.
I liked them so much that I decided that this might just be the year to keep my glue gun in storage and skip trying to make one more thing that I’m not going to finish anyway.
So I got on my tippy toes and arched my neck to where I could see the price tag dangling from the grapevine center and saw $59.99. I stared hard at that number to ensure my eyes weren’t deceiving me.
There was no way that this crafty lady was going to throw down that kind of cash for a wreath I could make myself in just a few minutes. So I went on a quest to replicate that gorgeous door hanging for less than $20. My materials were $15. Goal Met.
So for all my super distracted, “struggle to complete what I start” kind of crafty people- this one is for you! Here’s how you can make this in minutes!
Berry Wreath Materials:
- 1 Grape Vine Wreath ( I chose the $3.99 medium size).
- 2 Full Sprigs of Fake Berry Bushes from the floral department
- Wire Cutters
- Glue Gun and 1-2 clear glue sticks
- 1 Wreath overhead door hanger (you can find these at Walmart, craft stores, and sometimes dollar stores).
Berry Wreath Video Tutorial:
Step 1: Prep Berry Wreath Sprigs
Using wire cutters, clip each berry sprig off at its base. You’ll need to spread the springs out a little and clip them off the main vine so get 5 or 6 small springs off one LARGE sprig.
Step 2: Place Berry Wreath Sprigs
My advice for most wreath-making projects is always to place your pieces temporarily. Don’t use any glue yet. Go around the entire wreath sliding the individual sprigs into place. Then you can bend them, shape them and make them look even.
Step 3: Secure Berry Wreath Sprigs
One by one, tuck and glue down the small sprigs, tucking them as you go and then hot gluing them in place. As long as the sprigs all go in the same direction around the wreath, it will look pretty without much effort!
Step 4: Bend the Berry Wreath Sprigs
When you’ve got sprigs covering the whole wreath, you can bend and maneuver them in whatever way makes them look festive and full!
Step 5:
Hang your berry wreath on your front door and celebrate your wonderfully fast and thrifty holiday decor!
- Personalized Burlap Letter Wreath Tutorial
- Winter/Spring Yarn Wrap Wreath Tutorial
- Simple Seasonal Wreath Instructions

Kim Anderson is the organized chaos loving author behind the Thrifty Little Mom Blog. She helps other people who thrive in organized chaos to stress less, remember more and feel in control of their time, money, and home. Kim is the author of: Live, Save, Spend, Repeat: The Life You Want with the Money You Have. She’s been featured on,, Good Housekeeping, Women’s Day, and more!