21 Ideas for What to Do For Mother’s Day
Every year when May rolls around, the question always seems to float around the house. My husband wonders, “what to do for Mother’s Day?” I know he is not the only spouse trying to decide on the perfect activity. If you find yourself in this same boat, never fear. I have a lot of fun ideas that will work for you! They will have you saying, “I KNOW what to do for your mom on Mother’s Day!” Like a champ.
Mother’s Day Out
If your lady needs time away from the raucous environment at home, then here are some ideas to give her time in peace and quiet, or at least, time to herself doing something she loves. Which one of these seems most like her?
Spa Day
By far, the most popular gift for Mother’s Day, you don’t have to break the bank to have an enjoyable spa day experience. There are several avenues that one can take to provide a great day of pampering without draining the college fund. I am a big fan of throwing a thrifty spa party at my home.
- If you’d like her to be able to go outside of the home for a relaxing afternoon, check out Groupon.com for local deals.
- Another great location is the beauty school in your city.
- They have killer rates, and trained professionals supervise the students.
- I’ve always enjoyed my experience at the esthetic’s school.
Salt Room
The mineral benefits of a salt room are exponential. This room is a calming and relaxing experience. Don’t have time to enjoy a beachside vacation? They say 45 minutes in one of these glorious salt rooms is equal to 3 days by the ocean. And no SPF is required! Salt room experiences are usually under $50, and I can guarantee the experience is remarkable.
Float Tank
I am not sure I can say enough raving things about a float tank experience. As a mom who craves a little bit of quiet, this Mother’s Day activity is probably the most relaxing of anything I will list.
Basically, you sit in a chamber of water that has a small child’s worth of Epsom salt. This level of salt to water creates buoyancy and a “zero-gravity” effect. Relief of joint and muscle pain and detoxification are just a few of the benefits they boast.
Cryotherapy Experience
One of the newest therapeutic experiences in the USA (it’s been used for decades in other countries), cryotherapy, is magical, in my opinion. Spending time in a chamber is “supposed to” rejuvenate your skin and stimulate your body’s regulatory functions could be just the “spa day” a lady needs.
What to Do For Mother’s Day at Home or with Family
Go for a Hike
Mother’s Day may be the perfect excuse to go out and enjoy the perfection of nature with your team. Taking a stroll through nature’s wonders will provide an opportunity for learning experiences. I love spending time with my children in the outdoors.
They always have the best questions. Children also seem to have the best eye for small things- neat insects, interesting foliage, and beautiful rocks. I feel like I get more out of the adventure than they do!
Paddle a Canoe
One of the first dates my husband and I went on was to the beautiful Latta Plantation Lake in North Carolina. The overall experience left us with some hilarious stories; it was memorable, to say the least. Now that my children can do more than “toddle,” we can look into these fun experiences more and more. Get out there and make some great memories this Mother’s Day!
Mom and Me Aerial Yoga
An aerial yoga class involves large silk hammocks that hang from the ceiling. There are classes in which you bring your child, and you participate in deep stretches. These help to energize the body while relaxing muscles. The combination is fantastic.
The kids are always engaged because of the nuance that the hammocks have. Teaching your children the importance of physical health is a present to yourself and them.
Beach Day-Trip
If you live within a 3-hour drive of the coast, this is the perfect opportunity to take a day trip. The month of May boasts excellent climates and the best weather to enjoy a day of waves.
Pack up the kiddos and grab your sunblock. Even if you don’t spend the day in the surf, the experience of seeing the waves and walking along the shore will be rejuvenating. There is no better time to get out there in the sand and make some memories.
Family Photo
For my Mother-in-law, the best thing you can do for her is to get the family together for a proper picture. This afternoon activity makes her happy the whole year. If we can get it together to prep for a family photo shoot, then I have just given the best Mother’s Day gift. Plus, I also get the photos for posterity. A win-win situation in my book.
Play Video Games
As a mom, it is essential for me to meet my kids on their level. I need to be able to participate in a few of the thing THEY like to do. That being said, I am now pretty good at Lego Harry Potter.
I had to find a game that could keep my interest and was straightforward to play, but now I can spend a few minutes with the kids enjoying something they love. Have you ever played Overcooked? That’s a game I can get on-board with and not miss a beat.
Overcooked! + Overcooked! 2
Family Movie Night
Whether you choose to throw an indoor movie party or go out to the theatre, a movie experience can be great family time on Mother’s Day. The pro’s to this experience:
- Children are engaged and relaxed
- I am engaged and relaxed
- My husband is… relaxed (lol)
- I have buttery popcorn and some junior mints (pure heaven)
Science Center Family Trip
We have a big goal in our household. We want to make sure that our children know that learning and fun are one and the same. Since school can sometimes be a drag, we love to take the kids to places that show that exploration and knowledge can be quite entertaining too!
Heck, I am still learning things every time we go. Learning together is one of the most rewarding experiences that a trip to the science center offers for Mother’s Day.
When my family gets together, especially when we are in the mountains, we will spend hours huddled over the kitchen table with a 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle.
Turn off the tech and get into it. Some of the best laughs and conversations are had while trying to figure out Luke Skywalker’s hair. You’d be surprised at what a little puzzle time will open up in your family dynamic.
Star Wars – I Find Your Lack of Faith Disturbing – 1000 Piece Jigsaw Puzzle
Board Games
Classic or new, board games allow you to relax from the everyday conversations of “what do we have to do” and “what’s the plan?” It is nice to disengage from the outside stressors of life and figure out how you are going to build a mousetrap together.
At Home Wine Tasting
If you’ve got a gal in your life that loves some wine but you aren’t able to get out of the house to celebrate, then consider ordering some wine and charcutterie supplies.
Not sure where to start? Check out my guide for Wine For Beginners Guide: Drinking & Serving with Confidence
At Home Paint & Sip Party
Paint and sip gatherings can be a lot of fun but may not be feasible all the time as we saw back in March of 2020.
If you are at home and want to let your artistic side out, host a family paint and sip party!
Fire Pit Mother’s Day Celebration
If you’ve got a fire pit in your backyard (or maybe you can build a fire pit for your Mother’s Day Gift) then you can have a fun Fire Pit Party in your own backyard.
What To Do for Mother’s Day with Friends
Zoom Hangout Call with Distant Friends
If you are celebrating Mother’s Day at home and aren’t able to get together with your friends in the flesh then planning a Zoom hangout is the next best thing!
Sign up for a free Zoom account, invite your friends to your meeting link, set the time, bring some drinks and hang out. Make sure the kids are occupied and not bothering mom during the hangout.
Wine Tasting Event
If you are lucky enough to have a great group of gal-pals, then I highly recommend taking a mommy’s day out to a local wine event. Whether you have a vineyard nearby or a great wine room, this experience is a great decompression event.
If you have space, you could host a simple wine and cheese party at the location of your choosing. Celebrate being a mother with the lovely ladies in your life this Mother’s Day.
Outlet Shopping Adventure
Ooooooh, Girl! Spend some money, get some cardio, and laugh until you can’t laugh anymore! I love an excellent shopping excursion. Couple my love of finding awesome deals with my love of unfettered “girl time,” and you have made me one happy Momma! Pick a day that you and ladies can carpool up to your favorite shopping destination and enjoy it. Make a game out of it!
- The best deal of the day (based on savings)
- Weirdest item found
- Each picks out an item for a person to try on that they’d never wear
- Group Hat/accessory photoshoot picture
Botanical Garden Trip
Traipsing through a luscious, perfectly landscaped botanical garden is genuinely joyous. There are several styles of gardens near me, and I always have to struggle to choose which one I want to attend.
Usually, it comes down to which one offers wine service that day, lol. But I love seeing the Japanese styles that one will boast this season or the orchid showcase that utterly mystifies my eyes.
Bungee Aerobic Class
I have not gotten to experience this yet, but it is on the list of “OH MY GOD I HAVE TO DO THAT!” (We all have one of those lists, right?) I am always interested in trying a new workout that is something other than your typical pilates or yoga exercise. When I saw this class, I was so intrigued. Mark my words, I will be trying this out soon!
Smash (rage) Room
Get the girls together for a smashing good time! These rooms allow you to spend 15-45 minutes breaking everyday items with such satisfaction. The best part, you don’t have to clean up the mess. Count me in! I have even found rooms that will let you destroy a car. My car gets regularly destroyed by goldfish and random socks, it would be nice to have it be someone else’s car this time.
Paint and Sip Class
Maybe you prefer something a little less impactful. Get your fellow mothers together for a relaxing day of wine and color. These classes are designed to help you create a piece of art, even if you don’t fancy yourself as an artist. At the end of the session, you will have a memory to take home and display (and probably some funny stories, too). They also do this with pottery if a canvas art piece isn’t your style.
Comedy Bus Tour
My friends and I love to laugh. See if you have a comedy bus tour in your city or nearby. These bus tours are hosted by comedians while getting a tour of the city you are visiting. These can range from PG experiences to the later-evening R-rated adventure.
Either way, they allow you to be whisked through the city with your closest pals having a great laugh together. If you wonder what to do for Mother’s Day, this could be some serious fun!
I hope that you are able to create a memorable Mother’s Day experience from one of these fun what to do for mother’s day ideas. Let the mother in your life know how much she means to you!
20 Mother’s Day Celebration Ideas
Free Printable Mothers Day Coupons
23 Mothers Day Gift Ideas for Your Wife
Make A Mother’s Day Handprint Frame

Kim Anderson is the organized chaos loving author behind the Thrifty Little Mom Blog. She helps other people who thrive in organized chaos to stress less, remember more and feel in control of their time, money, and home. Kim is the author of: Live, Save, Spend, Repeat: The Life You Want with the Money You Have. She’s been featured on Time.com, Money.com, Good Housekeeping, Women’s Day, and more!