Author: Kim Anderson

Kim Anderson is the organized chaos loving author behind the Thrifty Little Mom Blog.  She helps other people who thrive in organized chaos to stress less, remember more and feel in control of their time, money, and home. Kim is the author of: Live, Save, Spend, Repeat: The Life You Want with the Money You Have. She's been featured on,, Good Housekeeping, Women's Day, and more!
Celebrating Your Everyday “Lobsterworthy” Occasions

Celebrating Your Everyday “Lobsterworthy” Occasions

My family loves to celebrate everyday victories by heading out for dinner at a relaxing place with amazing food.  Our latest event that called for celebration was filing our taxes early.  After weeks of hard work and number crunching, we went to Red Lobster as our reward.  This isn’t the first of our “Lobsterworthy” occasions; my…

7 Sun ‘N Fun Fly-in Adventures For Moms With Kids

7 Sun ‘N Fun Fly-in Adventures For Moms With Kids

Imagine a vacation destination that excites every member of your family.  One where your husband races your kids to the entrance gate. Not only does this destination entertain, excite and create wonder- but it’s education cloaked in fun.  That kind of vacation starts at SUN ‘N Fun International Fly-In & Expo in Lakeland, Florida. My…

15 High School Graduation Gifts For Guys or Girls

15 High School Graduation Gifts For Guys or Girls

It’s that time of year again!  When you’ll start opening your mailbox and pulling out fancy white washed envelopes containing high priced graduation announcements.  Now that you’ve seen the announcement, you have a few choices.  You can mail them a check, which will probably get spent on late night taco runs or you can send…