Kids Busy Activities

How To Make Tooth Brushing The Best 2 Minutes of Your Kid’s Day

How To Make Tooth Brushing The Best 2 Minutes of Your Kid’s Day

This paid post is brought to you by the new free Oral-B Disney Timer App as part of a Type-A Parent Community Sponsored Post. I don’t know about your house, but at mine simple things become huge battles when it comes to kids.  Things like eating green vegetables, taking naps and saying “no” can cause…

Turn Left Over Gift Wrap Into a Learning Activity

Turn Left Over Gift Wrap Into a Learning Activity

Guest blogger Rhonda writes: It’s time to start putting your Christmas decorations away. While I love to store and reuse gift bags, tissue and ribbon (you know I’m thrifty right), I have a few ‘stick on’ bows left over from my teenagers’ Christmas party (btw they used them as decorations on the counter tops and table-so…